Why BIG Vision

Why BIG Vision?
The world we are moving into is in need of purpose and values driven leaders who see their mission in serving all stakeholders involved and the community they live in. Those are the kind of leaders that make a difference, inspire action and multiply excellent leadership.
BIG Vision leadership has one mission: to bring servant leadership alive in leaders, teams, companies and organizations in order to thrive on values and trust in serving a larger vision and purpose.
At BIG Vision we like to think BIG but there is more to that. Here is what we stand for:
B – Believe
We know that leaders who believe in their people and believe the best of them regardless of whether they have earned it or not will receive their trust and loyalty in return. At BIG Vision we believe that the most important team you will ever lead is yourself and that the greatest purpose of a leader is to empower others.
I – Influence
Leadership is influence. When it comes to how leaders influence others there are significant differences in how they go about it and the outcomes they gather from it. At BIG Vision we believe that servant leadership lived well is the kind of leadership that guarantees results and human satisfation because it values BOTH people and results.
G – Grow
At BIG Vision leadership we believe there is a strong correlation between good servant leadership and self leadership. Servant leaders know growth is a life long journey and that they need to lead themselves first before they can lead others well. They invest time into self leadership and do not expect others to go where they are not willing to go themself.
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